Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Viral Learnings, Part Four: New Rhythms of Grace

Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash
I realize what I'm about to say is said from a place of privilege, but one of the new learnings for me during this season of world shutdown is the opening up of new rhythms of grace.

It's pretty amazing how easy it is to get in a rut that you can't get out of. Even if it's a good one filled with good things, our lives seem to lean towards patterns of normalcy. Wake up, put your feet on the floor, find your glasses (a daily trial), make your way to the coffee pot, and it's off to the races. I think that is why vacations are so 
longed for--Not because you hate your work (although I suppose that may be true for some), but because you stop for a second from the regular routines and pick up a new rhythm for a while. The change resets your regular playlist of life and invites you to hear a different tune. I often find that it's only when I'm forced to stop and listen in a new way that I can hear the heartbeat of the Divine once again. 

Now I realize that for some, this may be the opposite. Change is terrifying and throws everything good out the window. And yes, of course, house quarantine is a far cry from a vacation on the beaches of Hawaii. And if one is trying to work from home, entertain kids, or just forced to be alone within the four walls of your abode, these new rhythms may sound more like dirges and horror movie soundtracks then lines of grace.

But make no mistake, there is grace being composed and played. It may be a subtle, distant tune from a far away land, but God is playing the song and invites us to listen in. 

For me, here are some of those grace rhythms I'm picking up...
  • More regular check in's with friends around the country, calling in to see how we are doing in one of the epicenters of the virus.
  • (Almost) nightly movie nights with our family.
  • Watching my kids navigate online learning, and the miracle of that statement alone.
  • Watching our church family care for each another in new, creative ways.
  • Family devotions in the morning.
  • Social distancing happy hour in front of our houses on the street with neighbors.
  • The generosity of our community towards local restaurants and towards first responders and health care workers.
  • Staff meetings using Web ex, which feels the Brady Bunch in good ways (seeing faces in rows of squares).
  • The Psalms as a new home to place my anxiety.
  • A new appreciation for tik tok dances performed by my kids.
  • Watching my Kristi do her work as a school nurse remotely for her community.
  • Spending time with our almost 9 year old Great Dane who is on borrowed time at this point (and let's face it, our animals are the ones who are really loving this, aren't they?).
  • Family dinners. Every night.
  • An excuse to even write this down and process this experience. 
Of course, everything isn't a welcome rhythm. The fears of life and the future, enduring the nightly news and press conferences, the worries about getting a virus with no cure, the longing to give people you love hugs, the concern for those who have lost their jobs or shuttered their businesses; those things remain. 

And yet, if I listen closely, even these longings and pains come with subtexts of hope. For they point to a deeper truth that we all need to hear. 

That this world is not the end. 
That those who sow in tears will reap in joy (Psalm 126). 
That the One whose name is Love identifies with us in our suffering and will never leave us alone. 

Those are the rhythms of grace that are appearing. I, for one, need to hear that tune more and more.

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