Saturday, March 14, 2020

Viral Learnings, An Introduction

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

As a 49 year old, I've never experienced this sort of thing; a virus burning its way through every corner of the world simultaneously.  I realized we aren't the first to face a pandemic like this (it happens every 100 years or so, they say). But when it is your own and yet everywhere, and promises to affect pretty much every part of your life and world, it brings you face to face with what you know (and what you don't) and what you have to trust in (and what isn't worth trusting in at all).

With that in mind, I've decided (as much as I can) to blog through this global challenge and discuss some "viral learnings" (pardon the pun) we can glean through times like this. 

Why? Because while God doesn't create pandemics to wipe out his creation, God can use even them to grow us in what is truly important--Our knowledge and love of God, our understanding of our selves, and our care for one another and God's creation. I'm praying for that, and expecting it to be true.

The thoughts shared are my own musings and done partly for myself to listen to God through this challenging time. But hopefully they can be of help to you, too, wherever you are at, in whatever circumstance you find yourself in. My hope is that we can take this time in the fire to be forged into something different, even better than before, as individuals, communities, the Church, and as a global family.

That's it for now. Take care, friends.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."--Psalm 20:7

Loving Jesus and washing my hands,



  1. Thanks for your thoughts. This pandemic isnt like the WWII depression, it only seems to be affecting elderly unfortunately, and we thank God we are healthy and alive. The virus has united the world, it took our minds off politics and opens up communication channels. We are grateful for the exhauting work of doctors, nurses, caregivers, grocery employees who are all beyond exhausted. Maybe we will all learn somrthing from this time of self isolation.especially to love one anotherand reach out when we can..not just this month but always. Amen and prayers for everyone out there who is struggling.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts. This pandemic isnt like the WWII depression, it only seems to be affecting elderly unfortunately, and we thank God we are healthy and alive. The virus has united the world, it took our minds off politics and opens up communication channels. We are grateful for the exhauting work of doctors, nurses, caregivers, grocery employees who are all beyond exhausted. Maybe we will all learn somrthing from this time of self isolation.especially to love one anotherand reach out when we can..not just this month but always. Amen and prayers for everyone out there who is struggling.

  3. Jeff, I am appreciating your blog! Keep it going. Its hard enough to know how to live in good times and certainly no easier during a pandemic. Don Jarrett
